OZ opts for an equivalent suite of services, both on- and offline. In order to improve accessibility and interaction with the customer via digital documents, the health insurance fund opted for the combination of Xplore Group and Adobe Experience Manager.
OZ (in English: Independent Health Insurance Fund) is the fastest growing health insurance fund in Belgium. The organization has 1,700 employees, spread over 60 offices in Flanders. OZ offers a wide range of services, centered around four main pillars: health (such as health insurance and supplementary insurance products), holidays (e.g. youth holidays), vitality (such as advice on physical exercise and healthy eating) and comfort (e.g. domestic help services, workplace nurseries and childminding).
As part of the digitization of its services, OZ has developed – together with Xplore Group – workflows with digital input forms based on AEM (Adobe Experience Manager). Previously, new customers had to fill in forms, sign on paper and sent them back by post. But, with Azure, new customers can now register with OZ completely online.
The input forms simplify and shorten the registration process. That saves time, not only for the customer but also for OZ itself. Signing up digitally at OZ only takes eight minutes now. A prime consideration, at OZ, is the reusability of the new input forms. In this way the health insurance fund also aims to digitize other processes in the near term.

Xplore Group developed a solution based on Adobe Experience Manager.Our solution
Xplore Group developed a solution based on Adobe Experience Manager.Integration
- Adobe Experience Manager
- Webservices .NET
- Microsoft Azure
- e-ID e-signature service
- Itsme® e-signature service
- Adobe Sign e-signature service